Wednesday 15 April 2015

Andy's Birds of Prey

I had a super visit to the Cornish bird of prey centre. It was thrilling to see the birds in action at such close quarters and I learnt more about various birds of prey from Andy’s display.

I watched the Hawks, Falcons & Eagles display but later on there was an owl display. Andy introduced his smallest hawk followed by a pair of falcons and ended the display with a swift eagle chasing the lure as Andy swung it through the air. its aerial acrobatics were amazing and too fast for my cameraman.

The whoosh of the birds flying overhead scared the youngest grandchild. she slid off the bench and curled up by her mother's feet well out of the flight path and peeped through her fingers. after that all she wanted was to go on the swing again. 




The centre was well laid out and well worth a visit. the shop had some interesting items for sale including some superb birds of prey carved from wood, owl embelished tee-shirts and my books.

The Centre also had other attractions. My eldest grand daughter was thrilled by the zip wire ride while the youngest was happy on a swing. I had the happy task of signing books while my husband pushed the swing to the chant of more Grandad!

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