Sunday 20 October 2013

Publishing blues

Charlie riding the Intrepid Pony
Why do writers put themselves through it? Is it for the fame and fortune?

If I had thought hard about how long and difficult it would be to get my book out into the world I would never have started writing. Thankfully I wrote for the fun of it! It will be lovely to hold 'The Intrepid Pony Escapes' in my hand making all the hard work worth it. Hopefully I will even sell a few books to people who love ponies and lose themselves in my story.

Keep smiling
Am I the only person to be baffled by a publishing contract? It seems if anything goes wrong it is my fault, but if it all goes right the publisher and distributer and shop or the big A get all the profits. I guess it will be over a year before I see any profit, but even if I do, I only get paid quarterly a month after the money is totalled up and only then if I've earned over a certain amount. Until then that money sits in someone else's account waiting for more of my books to sell.

When is an author successful enough to give up the day job? How many books have most authors written before they have enough money to work as a writer full time. Then there is the small matter of book signing at various venues.  

Being an author is a lonely one person business but I have been blessed with a house husband who brings coffee to my computer and encourages me to keep going.

Publishing- not the final hurdle
I applaud everyone who has worked their hardest to get published and commiserate with those unfortunate authors who have written a brilliant book only to face numerous rejections. it makes winning the lottery seem like a certainty!

Being in a writing group has helped me greatly in my journey. Thank you all those who have helped and encouraged me.  

Well done to Liz Wright who has just published her latest her latest non-fiction book Belle Tout Lighthouse: The Little Lighthouse That Moved after twenty years research.

Thanks Tony, Author of My Life with the Stars, for all your hard work editing my book. I look forward to your next novel.


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